Purchasing this item will give you 1 Texture Token (Non-Legendary) in-game.
You may use it to redeem any Non-Legendary-textured Pixelmon of your choice (non-Legendary) with 6 perfect stat IVs (100% stats) from one of the following categories:
1 Ability Capsule and 1 Ability Patch are also included with your purchase.
Use the token in-game with the command "/token Texture "", where " is the Texture category and name of the Pixelmon you want. For example, "/token MidnightRoserade" to get a Midnight-textured Roserade.
NOTE #1: You MUST have our official Hallowed Textures Resource Pack installed to view these textures in your game.
NOTE #2: Not all Pixelmon have textured variants. Please check our Gallery to see a full list of textured Pixelmon before purchasing.