Before purchasing, please make sure that your Minecraft username (or the username of the person you are buying a gift for) is correct and that you have enough inventory space for the item(s) you are buying. If you do not have enough inventory space, your items will be lost and you may not be able to get them back.
Please allow up to 15 minutes for a purchased package to appear in-game.
Any purchases made with eChecks may take up to 2 weeks to clear.
Purchases made in our store help cover
our large hosting costs and also speeds up the development of future
Hallowed Fantasy, LLC projects, in addition to allowing us to upgrade
our server even further. Any contribution or purchase made on this store goes to the Hallowed Fantasy Management & Development Team.
All purchases made are final, and we do not offer refunds.
We ask that you are at least 18 years of age, or have obtained parental
consent prior to making a purchase. In the event of a chargeback, you
will be permanently banned on
our servers. Before buying
something, keep in mind that if you are banned from our server for any
reason (you will not be banned unless you break any rules) you will NOT get a refund on any of your items. By making a purchase, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service, as outlined by this link.
Payments are made through CraftingStore's secure checkout and we cannot view
your Credit Card/Paypal information. Please join our official Discord server (located to the right of the page) if you have any questions about your purchase or are in need of support.
Your support is greatly
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