Trainer+ rank in-game, on Discord, and on the forums
✓ /sethome x5
✓ /hat (wear any item as your hat)
✓ /hatch (instantly hatches eggs with 10 minute cooldown)
✓ /kit TrainerPlusDaily (can be used daily)
Kits (NOTE: Make sure your inventory is clear when using a kit!)
Kit TrainerPlusDaily (24 Hour Cooldown)
✓ 3 Ancient Poké Balls, 3 Ancient Feather Balls, 3 Ancient Heavy Balls, & 3 Potions
✓ 2 Ancient Great Balls
✓ 1 Ancient Ultra Ball, 1 Super Potion, & 1 Full Heal
BONUS ITEMS (given once with the rank):
✓ 1 Shiny Non-Legendary Pixelmon Token
✓ 1 Starter Pixelmon Token
✓ 1 Master Ball, 1 Fossil